Navihi continues to improve and develop best practices so that more have access to our content.
Applicable alt-text accompanies non-decorative imagery to identify relevancy, limited to 125 characters, prioritizing between 40-80 characters to assist braille displays.
Webpages identifies its purpose or topic by title, differentiates it from others, and uses SEO for context. HTML tags help separate sections.
Adequate spacing used to distinguish text breakage without reliance on text styling and text within imagery.
The purpose of each hyperlink can be determined from the link text alone.
Any .gifs or video used do not flash three or more times in one second, which could cause undesirable physical reactions.
Focus Outline is a feature for visitors highlighting items on a page, like navigation links and form fields, using the TAB key.
The website is parsable by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Visitors can access audio content with transcripts on the website.
Closed Captioning features integrated with services like YouTube and Vimeo are available when video content is present.
Uses a color palette that's WCAG-compliant for those experiencing protanopia, deuteranopia, or tritanopia defeciencies.